• MPO Loopback
  • MPO Loopback
MPO Loopback MPO Loopback
MPO Loopback

Gloriole’s MPO Loopback is small and compact housing design that allows side-by-side mounting in dense board applications and protects fibers when engaged repeatedly.

Gloriole’s MPO Loopback has push and pull function to install process easily.


MPO Loopback is available in SM APC and MM versions.
The applications are manufacturing test, quality control and field trouble shooting.
Item MPO Loopback
Mode Single Multi
Range(dB) 0~25 0~5
Insertion Loss ≦1dB (For 0dB) ≦1dB (For 0dB,850nm)
± 1dB (for 1~5dB) ± 1dB (for 1~5dB,850nm)
±15% (6~25dB) x
Reflectance ≧ 50dB x
Operating Temp. (℃) -20℃ ~ +70℃
Storage Temp. (℃) -40℃ ~ +75℃
*Patented product.
*Small, compact housing design
* Streamlined, Ruggedized housing design for excellent stability and reliability
* Available for 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32F and up
* Standard and QSFP application